Friday, October 8, 2010

CPF Convener wrote a letter to the Bishop of TUTICORIN on the Sterlite Issue on 08.10.2010

Dear Lordship Bishop, Most.Rev.Dr.Yvon Ambroise,

Greetings from Pushparayan, Coastal People’s Federation.

At the outset , I would like to thank you for all the efforts you have been taking for the welfare of the people to protect their livelihood , defending their cause by expressing solidarity in their genuine struggles by your presence and outspoken articulations since you took upon the helm ,as the bishop of TUTICORIN .


As you might be well aware of the fact that the Sterlite Industries in Thoothukudi has been ordered to close on 28th September, 2010 by the Madras High Court Bench for its various violations and environmental crimes since its inception in 1995.

You must be aware of the various strong protests in the past in Thoothukudi district against the unit even before it could lay down the foundation stone. And it is the catholic community, majority of the fisher folk who relentlessly fought against the most polluted and rejected unit in many states. I would like to recall and affirm the role played by the TMSSS federations in the fighting the unit forefront. It was all genuine ,sincere attempts and sacrifices that the people encountered in the recent past. And it was the fishing community that bore the brunt of the stiff opposition during the communal clash masterminded and instigated and executed by sterlite in 1996.

But it is a totally disheartening and anti-witnessing gesture that certain Religious Congregations in the Diocese of Tuticorin openly receive funds from the COASTAL LIVELIHOOD PROJECT under SWEP Program (Sterlite Women Empowerment Program ) in the name of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility )even now inspite of public unrest and judicial verdict. The whole world knows about the impact of such polluting companies that is why it has not been able to take berth in any of the Indian states. They not only receive regular grants but special funds now to sabotage the people’s protests. They are the dividing forces in the communities and are acting in favour of the company still, to support the company’s evil plans and schemes to justify its existence and presence . They are all popular schemes intended to dehumanize the people and denigrate the fishers . These agents not only fall prey to such evil plans and mortgage the fishing communities for their own interests. Such Plans cannot be allowed to happen anymore. They think that they can go ahead with such schemes inspite of people’s mandate.

Such congregations , the agents of Vedanta , justify their stand proclaiming that they are doing good to the fishers but they are in reality only helping the company to rob the earth’s resources and to pollute it further. The fishing communities need not depend upon such agents any more for schemes offered through them.(Like bones thrown to dogs) You have built up a great animation centre for the welfare and future of the fishing communities. I acknowledge that it was your vision and commitment towards the people . I appreciate your committed plans and schemes for the benefit of the fishing communities . The fisher kids are utilizing it now and your dreams for the fishing communities are realized through such schemes and trainings.

The Madras High Court has pronounced its judgment in the interest and welfare of the larger communities and welfare of the natural resources. Before everything else, the environment should be protected . The court has given its verdict in favour of the environment and the suffering people. If this factory is let free , then there will be unimaginable repercussions and impact in Thoothukudi as the judges have recorded.

So, I sincerely and humbly request you on behalf of the fishing communities , struggling people, petitioners and above all for the welfare of the environment to speak to the respective congregations to stop their anti-witnessing life and gestures and ask them to find grants from other good sources. Otherwise, at some point they would have to face the wrath of the people.

They need not be the Good Samaritans for the fishing communities.

There are many Good Samaritans like You .

I also elicit your full support towards the people’s cause further by mobilizing the church against the demon.

Thank you once again for all that you are doing and saying.

Seeking your intervention and Blessings,

Yours truly,


Project Director,ECRD.


19/1, Manual Jacob Lane,

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